

I have recently been reading a lot of different peoples blogs, and I decided to try it out for myself. So here I am, helloo blogosphere. I decided this could be a place for me to share what i'm learning as I journey through the Word of God. I recently had a talk with one of my friends about how growing up in the church we had facts pounded into our head but are just now truly realizing and embracing what all of that stuff means. Ever since I was a toddler i've been going to church, as a child you don't truly understand what things like "eternity" means. ETERNITY- that's FOREVER, a fact that just really set in. I am so glad that I have been in church my whole life and already know so much, but now i'm on the path of just figuring it out for myself, relearning the basics and finding out what it really means to call myself a Christian. So that's what this blog will be about, me telling you what all i'm learning. It should be fun, for me at least. I hope you enjoy it too!

I guess I should also tell you a little bit about myself. I'm Aly, a 20 year old college student. the most part I love college. I miss my family, but their only three hours away so I can't complain too much. I have a brother and a sister. My sister is married and has, in my opinion, the three most adorable children i've ever seen in my life. They have me wrapped around their little fingers. I want to teach in an inner city school somewhere, call me crazy, but that's where my heart is, and somebody's got to do it.

That's all I have for tonight, but tomorrow begins our journey through one of the greatest books ever written. I hope you're ready.