

Love is an ACTION. 

This week I think God has really been trying to open my eyes to this.  Love is an action, not a feeling.  God commands us to love.  You can't command someone to have a certain emotion but you can command them to act a certain way.  God commands us to LOVE, wait for it, EVERYONE! That means that we should be showing love to the person who checks us out at the grocery store, or the person who recently hurt our feelings or let us down.  Off the top of your head think of how many times the word love is said in the Bible.  It's ALOT! That's because it's really important to God. I'm currently reading a book called God Girl by Hayley DiMarco and it's really opened my eyes to how much love can affect our lives! 

"When you love the way God designed you to love, not only will you find more love for yourself, but your life will have less drama and destruction in it."-God Girl

I think love is something we easily forget about.  I'm going to try really hard this week to show everybody I come in contact with what love looks like.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

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