

I am such a disappointment as a blogger. It is ridiculous.  From now on I'm just going to pretend like tons of people read my blog and I don't want to disappoint that many people. Haha! How pitiful of me.  There are TWO weeks until spring break, count 'em! ONE, TWO! :) I am so ready for a little break but the two weeks leading up to that break are going to be insanely busy! All of my professors felt the need to pile all the work on before spring break, so goodbye everything I enjoy and hello school work! Ok, ok, that's kind of an exaggeration, especially since I am a HUGE procrastinator and I always find time for reading or watching a show I like no matter how much school work I have.  I won't complain too much about school work though because my mom recently referred to me as an "almost college graduate" and I freaked out on her a little bit.  The words college graduate make me feel old, and I am nowhere near ready for the real world, I'm not sure if I'll be mature enough, it's probably a good thing I'm going to be a teacher and spending my days with little kids!! hahah!

Anywaysss, back to the reason I started this blog...

Last night I read about Prayer, and it hit me that I really don't know how to pray, I don't know what prayer should look like and sometimes I find myself forcing myself to pray.  I don't want to be forcing myself, I want to talk to God all the time, and for it to come naturally.  So I decided to read ALL of the verses in the Bible about prayer and see what He has to say about, who better than to learn from than the God who created it Himself.  Naturally I'm not doing this all in one night, so hopefully I will update consistently about what verses I've read.  Last night I read Deuteronomy 4:7, 2 Chronicles 7:14-15, and Matthew 5:44. and Matthew 6:5-14.

Words related to prayer appear in the Bible SO many times, so obviously it's something that God finds very important and so should we.  Prayer isn't about ANYBODY else, it's about us talking with our Savior.  Adoring this world He has created (Everytime I see the stars I stand in awe of our Creator, He knows them all by name!).  Sometimes Always our prayer might will be asking for forgiveness for our sins, after all, everybody is a sinner! But prayer should just be communicating with our Maker like He is our best friend.  I think i struggle with this because I don't always get an immediate response back, but that what's I'm going to learn about while I learn about Prayer.  Prayer is very powerful, and how are you supposed to have a relationship with someone if you never talk to them.

Hayley DiMarco's suggestions for learning a successful way to Pray:

  • Adoration
  • Thanksgiving
  • Confession
  • Worship
  • Trust (we need to trust that He forgives our sins and that He will always be there for us, and never leave us.)
Let me know your thoughts on Prayer.

I'll hopefully be back soon!! (I think it's ok to put school work off when you're learning about Christ, right?)

planetary nebula
(yeah, I think He deserves our worship and adoration, how about you?)

1 comment:

  1. You're not a disappoint! I really enjoy what you write about, that's why I want you to keep writing.

    so weird, I was thinking about prayer last night and how I have to make myself do it sometimes too! Just like God to plan all this out... so that I would read this the next morning. I love it when things happen like that!
