"Has not my hand made all these things, and so the came into being?" declares the Lord.
"This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word."
Isaiah 66:2
FranChan was reading out of 2 Peter, and I have to say that for just reading 4 or 5 verses, I really learned alot. (2 Peter 1:1-4)
1. My Faith is the same as that of Peter's, He is not more righteous or more loved by our Creator, we are equally loved! When I think about that I feel, I don't even know how to describe it, because I guess I look at my walk with Christ and Peter's and let's just say mine pails in comparison, but it's the SAME. Jesus loves me the same! That's some REALLY great news!
2. We have grace and peace through the knowledge of God. I'm pretty sure God shows me Grace everyday of my life! I screw-up at least once, if not more than once a day, but my life isn't about my screw ups, its about the Love of Christ that he shows me and that I show others. I need to be living my life so that when people look at me they say "I wish I had her Dad," "I wish I had what she had." My love for Christ should be something that people are able to see without me even telling them about Him.
3. We have been given all things that pertain to life and Godliness, so when I mess up, that's ALL on ME! Nobody else. Yikesss, scary.
5. When I mess up, He isn't going to write me off, God says to me, "it's okay Aly, you'll still be the girl I created you to be, we're just going to take a little detour." Hence, the title, RECALCULATING.
I think He has had to recalculate my plan so many times He's probably lost count (except He hasn't because He's God and He knows everything.) I need to quit defending, start confessing, and always love others. God has really been showing me how to love those I don't really want to love, it's been so interesting because I used to hold such anger and dislike towards a certain someone, and then I asked God to help me love everyone, and it has become much more easier to love this person. I guess He was just waiting for me to ask for help. Sometimes, I think we're too stubborn. We need to get over it and ask for help and talk to our Maker. He'll always be there for us.
I realize most of this is just rambling and might not make sense, but if you made it to the end I'm very proud of you!
Let me know what you think! (it's okay if you ramble on too)
I know He's definitely had to recalculate my plan more than necessary.
ReplyDeleteCONVICTION- "My love for Christ should be something that people are able to see without me even telling them about Him." touche. This is something i've been trying to work on.
How awesome/wonderful is the forgiveness of Christ?!
I gave you a shout out on my blog! :)